Paper Abrasion
Our BGD 530 R.C.A Paper Abrasion Wear Tester has been designed to test numerous shapes and finishes with ease and consistency. A simple adjustment to the vertical shaft allows for testing flat, convex, and concave surfaces. They are suitable for testing painted and organic finishes, foil, and inked keypad lettering for resistance to abrasion and wear.
These testers have become a standard in the automobile, appliance, electronics, cell phone, plastics, and coating industries. International Standard: ASTM F2357-04, Standard test method for determining the abrasion resistance of inks and coatings on membrane switches using the Norman Tool, Inc. "RCA" Abrader. This tester is a standard in the automobile, appliance, cell phone, plastics, and coating industries. It uses an inexpensive roll of throwaway abrasion paper, eliminating build-up errors and ensuring consistent readings.