Technical Specification
The ultraviolet rays of sunlight are the main factor who damage weathering resistance of most materials. We use UV lamps to simulate the short wave part of sunlight, it produce few visible lights and infrared lights. According to different testing requirements, we choose different wavelength UV lamps, this is because each type UV lamps produce different irradiance energy and wavelength. Generally speaking, UV lamps can be divided into UVA and UVB.
Different types fluorescent UV lamps are used in different fields, for example:
- UVA-340 Lamp: UVA-340 Lamp can highly simulate short-wave ultraviolet light of sunlight, the wavelength range is from 365 nm to 295 nm.
- UVA 351 Lamp: Simulates UV sunlight which has passed through the windows. It is excellent for testing materials aging process indoor.
- UVB 313 Lamp: this lamp emits stronger shortwave ultraviolet light compared with the ultraviolet rays on Earth, thus can accelerate material aging process. However, this lamp may cause some unrealistic material damage. It is mainly used in quality control, research and development, and the test of the materials with strong weather resistance.
General Specifications:
- Original UVA or UVB lamps from America, ensure the comparability of testing results.
All BUV machines use fluorescent UV lamps produced by American as testing light source, comparing with other type lamps (including xenon Lamps), UV lamps are more stable. Its spectrum power distribution won’t change as the lamps weathering, even upto 6,000 hours. Thus more repeatable testing results can be achieved easily, and decrease changing lamps times and reduce the running cost..
Furthermore, these lamps from Amercian are produced on the base of more than 40 years’ experience and fluorescent technology. It is designed specially and tested with most serious quality control.
- With Original Intellectual Property Rights, our ballast can extend the lamp life to 6,000 hours, save use-cost greatly for users.
- Irradiance can be controlled automatically (with the closed-loop system, the value of irradiance is more precise and steady. Only for BGD 856)
The superiority of BGD 856 UV Light Accelerated Aging Test Chamber is that it can be controlled and adjusted automatically during testing process. As it is well known, the energy in testing process is the main factor in polymer materials aging. In order to ensure reproducibility and comparability of testing results, the UV energy is a very important technical indicator. We adopt the principles which similar to Sun-eye automatically monitor the testing process throughout the energy value, when the lamp energy is less than the expected value, the system can automatically monitor the difference and automatically replenish energy immediately.
- Irradiance can be calibrated automatically (Only for BGD 856)
As any other lamps, UV lamps energy of BUV also decreases as time increase. The control system would compensate it automatically through strengthening the voltage of lamps. But as the using time become longer and longer, the energy of lamps decrease continuously. For some high set point of irradiance, BUV couldn’t keep this irradiance any longer, and now the system of BUV would reminder failure “the error of irradiance is too large” and shut off the machine. Now, the operator should calibrate the BUV by standard calibration radiometer. If machine still can’t get the set point after calibrating, the user should replace the two pcs lamps corresponding to the relative sensor and calibrate again.
BUV is calibrated by BGD Calibration Radiometer which is produced by our company. User can use one radiometer to calibrate some BUV, radiometer can test fluorescent UV lamps. It is not only used to calibrate the UVA lamps , but also to do UVB lamps. For UVB lamps, it has been calibrated well under the wave length 313 nm with W/m2/nm unit before delivery. For UVA lamps, it has been calibrated well under the wave length 340 nm with W/m2/nm unit.
Calibration Radiometer is made up of radiometer and sensor (see picture as below):
The sensor of BGD 8118 calibration radiometer is very sensitive to ultraviolet rays, but it doesn't have any action to visible light, and just have a little response for infrared light even can be ignored. So other rays will not have any influence on this radiometer.
- Water Spray and Condensation function
Water spray
For some applications, the water spray can simulate end-use environmental conditions better. Water spray can effectively simulate heat shock or mechanical erosion caused by dramatic temperature changes or rain. In some practical application conditions, such as a sudden brash in a sunshine day, can bring heat shock because the temperature of the material changes drastically. This heat shock severely tests the properties of many materials. BUV water spray can simulate this heat shock and / or stress corrosion.
BUV spray system design with 12 nozzles, each side has 6 pieces in the test chamber. Spray system can run a few minutes and then shut down. This transitory water spray can cool the samples quickly, creating heat shock conditions.
In many outdoor environments, materials are placed in wet condition for over 12 hours each day. Studies have shown that the main factor of this wet condition outdoor is caused by dew, not rain. BUV simulates the outdoor moisture erosion through the unique condensation capabilities. In the condensation cycle during the test, water on the bottom of the chamber is heated to obtain superheated steam filling the test chamber. Hot steam makes the chamber maintain 100% relative humidity, and maintain a relatively high temperature. Sample was fixed on the wall of test chamber. Thus the sample surface is exposed to the ambient air of test chamber. The other side of the sample is exposed to the natural environment which has a cooling effect, bringing internal and external surfaces of the sample with temperature difference, and the temperature difference leads to the test surfaces always have drips caused by condensation process.
- Control the temperature automatically with high precision Pt 100 temperature sensor of black panel
In each cycle, the temperature can be controlled at a set value. At the same time, the black panel thermometer can monitor the temperature. Temperature increase can accelerate the aging process, and the temperature control for reproducibility of the test is also very important.
BST (Black panel thermometer) consists of a PT100 sensor and a metal panel painted by black coating, and be exposed to the same condition as test panels. It’s used to monitor exposuring test panels surface temperature during test. BST can be set any value according to different requirements and also be controlled automatically during the whole test. It also can be calibrated periodically.
- Confirms to many test standards. Operator can set different program freely
According to different standards or test methods, operator can edit different test programs. For each program, it can be set as 10 segments, and each segment can set different work conditions (4 types: Irradiation, water spray, condensation and finish) as well as relevant test parameters.
BUV will permit operator to edit six test programs at most and save it permanently. Generally speaking, if the operator has set and saved one program in the BUV, for next test, if he still use this same program, just choose this program and run BUV directly, no need to set again.
- Controlled by touch screen with user-friendly windows, the operator can check any parameter during test
BUV all controllings and showings are finished by a high definition colorful touch screen. Menu operation interface is very convenient for operator to use and maintain BUV. During the working, all parameters are show on the touch screen.
- Real-time collect and store data, all testing data can be converted EXCEL format automatically and be saved
There is a USB interface at the BUV back, through this interface, operator can export all running parameterts at any period by a U disk. It’s convenient for operator to search and do statistics for BUV, and achieve the real unattended running.
- Supplied with TCP/IP Ethernet interface, the user can tele-control BUV through TCP/IP internet
With this interface, operator only need to set reasonable IP address, then can monitor BUV working status at any place. Even operator is not in his laboratory, he still can run and maintain BUV. Moreover, this function is also convenient for Biuged to help our customers to slove all problems and do some necessary after service. Settle completely user's troubles back at home.
- Supplied with a booster pump, in case the user’s external water pressure is not sufficient, the BUV can still work normally with this booster pump
- Alarm and protection functions: Water shortage, over-temperature of black panel, large deviation of irradiance between setting value with showing value